Showtime! Wells County

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"The Nit Wits" Rehearsal Pics - Set #3

From the top:

1: Mr. Short (Mike Jur) is starting to get worried about Miss Dinwiddie (Brandi Blowers). "She's touching me, doctor!" he seems to want to point out.

2: Can Tommy (Carson Tubbs) convince Bert (Robert Connett) that he doesn't need to kill anyone? And can Mr. Short attract Tommy's attention, and get him to make Miss Dinwiddie keep her hands to herself?

3: Can Tommy persuade Sallyjean (Bre Dietrich) that the reason men keep looking at her and following her around is because she is a good looking young lady, and she should enjoy the attention, not worry about it. And just what can Bert and Maude (Jessica Bunch) be talking about behind Sallyjean?

4: Can anyone wake Mr. Trumbull (Brandon Havener)? He seems to have nodded off?

5: Mr. Short seems to be getting used to Miss Dinwiddie's attention! Hopefully Mrs. Short (Devan Filchak) is too preoccupied with "Doctor" Tommy to notice?

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